Learn To Add Read More To Your Blog Posts.
If you as a blogger, have been researching on how you can easily add (Read more) to you blog post, the I advice you read on.
“Read More” features or jump break, is that features that allows only a short introduction of the post content, to appear on the blogger home page, hiding the extended contents, from the landing page until, prospective or willing individuals clicks on it.
I love using the READ MORE feature because I believe it makes it easier for my blog readers to scan through the main topics on the home page. More so, it makes my blog home page to load faster and gives the site a professional look.
How Do I Get Started ?
Creating jump breaks in your blog posts can be easily done right from the post editor, without the help of any HTML code changes. First, decide where in the post you want to create the jump break, and place your cursor in that position:
Creating jump breaks in your blog posts can be easily done right from the post editor, without the help of any HTML code changes. First, decide where in the post you want to create the jump break, and place your cursor in that position:
If you use the new post editor (available on Blogger in Draft, or by enabling it via the Settings tab), you’ll notice the “Insert jump break” icon in the editor’s toolbar. Click this icon and the “jump break” will be inserted into your blog post at your cursor’s position.
If you don’t use the new post editor, you can still insert a jump break in Edit HTML mode by adding where you want to position the jump break.
Want to change the “Read more” text to something more stylish? You can edit the “Read more” text by clicking Layout and then Edit the Blog Posts widget.
One more note, the Jump Break feature does not change how your post appears in your feed. You can configure post feed options by going to Settings | Basic | Site Feed, and editing Allow Blog Feeds.
If you try the methods above, and it seems not working for you, there is the probability that you are using a customized/third-party template. If you have customized your Blog Posts widget or otherwise have highly customized templates: you may need to edit your HTML to enable Jump Breaks. First, back up your template, then follow the instructions at the bottom of this help article.
That’s All.
If the links are not clickable, I guess you are not reading this on my site, so, go to www.globewat.com now to read the original article.
If you need any help or have anything to say, kindly use the comment form below.