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Financial Abundance (Kitdym Community Financial Support)

Online Community Financial Support.
 Following my outreach to the globe, and haven’t carried Out So many researches, we got to discover that one of
 the major problem of most Nigerians, can be traced to lack of financial supply, (Nigerians are great, and creative
 peoples but self-contentedness has made its way into the heart of many, making help too hard to be rendered.
 But not withstanding such, so many are where they are today as a result of rick avoidance, (and refusal to take
 responsibility and work their way to success) but I must tell you that, no reason is enough for you to quite in life, 
 because life is moving and so is man, and to quite is to exit , so notwithstanding how many times you have tried,
 I must tell you that its not over until you overcome, because even in the dark places of life, one shadow disapeares#
 {that a prove that life isn't a play ground}  so stop complaining of your past experiences, and move ahead with life,
 (mistakes, failures are not substance of stagnation, rather they are lessons to make you, A better you) and what
  makes for greatness is how large your heart is .

we went ahead to carve out a COME LETS HELP EACH OTHER
community, open to even  the least among all, with the vision of drawing out as many as will, raise their hands, 
but we live in a community, where people are in search for easiest way to do it,(I must tell you, that they are no 
short cuts to success in life)  and what you didn’t work for, will worth less, so know it today that success is never
accidental, neither is it a destination, so kitdym is a call, for all to follow .

Kitdym-community is created and managed by Chris-Pluses, and it’s a paved way for all who wishes to follow. 
so I encourage you today, to be part and parcel of this community, as it mechanism is one 
founded on truth and divine inspirations, so do well to register  and activate your account today , 

Steps Needed
Being a member of the financial family is never a too hard steps, rather it’s an already achieved map, so all you 
need do, is
1     visit;
2.     click on register/signup button
3.     provide the information as its required
4.     click on register button
5.     check your mails, for an activation code (it takes just few minutes to arrive) click on it
7.     choose your preferred Brower (as of your choice)
8.     Navigate, to see the information with bank details.
9.    Copy the account details and make payment of , two thousand naira
     (either by transfer or direct bank deposit) 
1    Send a mail to with your name and account number.
(    {mind you that once payment alart arrive your account will be automatically activated , even with out your mail.}
 (   you are a full member of the family and you are licensed to enjoy all the benefits it provides.

How Can Make Money?
This is the most asked question, and I think it’s a good one to ask.

Money making in the community is, a go well one,

Pay attention and learn from me.
1.     Register and activate
2.     Pay your one time enrolment fee of two thousand
3.     Use xtra-pluses as your referral ID, if you learned from here (help your self after registration by; referring other
      three individuals with your, referral ID which will be given after 100% enrolment, as to get your job done)
4.    Talk to others about the community, at the chase of getting just three people to register with your ID.
5.     I think all have been accomplished, so just relax and enjoy the fruit of your labour .
6.     Help your down lines as there promotion is what pays you,(be a mentor to those under you. Help them get there 
      three, . don’t just leave them alone, for you are the guild they can easily reach out to).

Please mind that the community only requires a one-time fee of two thousand, and three Direct Down lines after 
which no cash is required of you, so be careful not to fall into the hands of cruel men.

Below Is The Payment Plan


Now Time IS A Major Barrier
Most at time, people at of how long it will take, remains at a strategically area or place in life, so how far it will take,
 is at the mercy of how zealous, dedicated, willing and the amount of interest you give to it, and I must tell you,
 that you can beat to the top with a month,(so one might ask how).

Now Know This
1.       If a friend can, not trust you for your words, then you need to think twice.
2.       If all you call friendship, are not partners, then you need to change
3.       If you can risk, then you deserve, STAY because, living is risky
4.       If you can invest, you won’t harvest
5.       If you don’t do it, when am doing it, then you will do it when I have done it.
6.       If you social media, aren’t paying you, then you are just paying them
7.       So use, your Facebook, twitter, Whatapp, Instagram and all to match it up, its your life, so what they will say 
       doesn’t necessarily matter, but what they will see, will speak for itself,(when you think what they will say, you
       become it)
8.      Don’t be self-centered , help someone with knowledge
9.      Stop giving up on things easily, be courageous (courage is not supper strength to continue, rather its continuing
       when all strength is gone)  A step before the GOLD makes you lose it.

         its our own community, so its a trusted pat and we stand to protect all.

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Partners: Ic-gold medicals , Chrismanoil Ltd, Globe Tv Abuja,, Coloful star prints

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