Most times you find a post which you will love to share with your friends either on Facebook or twitter and that's how this wonderful feature helps in blogging.
So today am going to give you a full tutorial on how to add this feature to your blog.
Step 1
Visit this link Sharethis and then Register with them and hit the "Publishers >>
Step 2
Then click on "Get the Share Widget " tab.
=> Website or Blog? Choose website.
=> Pick your style - Third Option (Horizontal counters)
=> Just choose the networking sites which you want to have on your blog.
=> Choose the Oauth widget or Classic
=> Now, click on the "Get the button" tab
=> Copy the scripts that are generated and it will be of two type Script 1 (Script in the top/first box) and Script 2 (Script in the bottom/second box).
Step 3
Now creation a new tab and then login to your blogger dashboard and select rye blog your want to add the share button to.
Step 4
Scroll down and click on template >> Edit HTML
Step 5
Press CTRL+F on your keyboard and search for the below code
Step 6
Add the following code just above
the line in step 5
.sharethis {
border: dashed #ddd;
border-width:1px 0
1px 0;
margin: 10px auto
padding: 3px 0 1px
overflow: hidden;
Step 7
Again search for the code below
Step 8
paste the code present in the text
document Script 2, just above the line.
Step 9
Now search for the below code
<div class='post-
footer-line post-
Step 10
Add the following piece of code just
below the line
e == "item"'>
<span style='font-
size:20px; font-
family:Georgia; font-
style: italic; line-
height:21px; margin-
top:1px; margin-
the article?</span>
<div class='social'>
<div style='margin-
left:10px; margin-
top:0px; margin-
<div class='clear'/>
Step 11
Finally Save your template.
If you will need my assistance on this just feel free to contact me or comment below thanks.
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